Player donations can be made via Venmo, Check, Cash or Credit Card.
Please see additional details below:
Option#1: Venmo
Venmo payments can be made by clicking on the link below, scanning the QR code below, or searching for @Fvfootball-Boosters. Please include Player's name and payment notes in the memo. (ie., camp fee, baron cards, bingo buyout, etc)
Option#2: Checks
Please make checks payable to FVHS Football Boosters and mail payment to:
Fountain Valley Football Boosters
18627 Brookhurst St #470
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Please include Player's Name & payment notes in the memo of your check.
You can also contact the President, your Team Rep, Player's Account Director or Treasurer for in person delivery options.
Option#3: Cash
Please contact the President, your Team Rep, Player's Account Director or Treasurer for delivery options.
Option#4: Credit Card
Please reach out to Johana Garcia, Player Accounts Director, or Hazel Trang, Treasurer, for the credit card authorization form and to set up credit card payments.
Thank you for your contributions!! We greatly appreciate it!!