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The Moose Award is presented to one four year Baron who best represents Michael Jr. and the Musso Family
The Musso name is the embodiment of Fountain Valley Football. Fountain Valley graduates Mike and Kristie and their children, Heidi and Michael, symbolized the true passion and spirit of 'Blue Pride'. Michael lost his life in a car accident on July 29, 2005, but through this award, he will always be a part of the BARON family. This award is to honor the characteristics of Michael - Family, Community, Honor, Pride, Mental and Physical Toughness, Sincerity, Caring, Passion, Love, Kindness and everything a Baron football player represents. In essence, true Fountain Valley Blue Pride. All of these qualities reflect one four-year Baron who best represents Michael's radiant smile of life. This award is dedicated to the Musso Family in Michael's honor. The name of the award "Moose" comes from the affectionate nick-name Michael and his father share throughout the community.
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